Show notes (Naked black man in my bed)

Um, yeah. So today's show was officially all over the board. We talked about free tuition to college. We talked about the Niagara Power Project. We talked about Harry Potter. I played a bit with George W Bush and Dick Cheney being picked by the sorting hat. Funny stuff. We talked about the man who woke up next to a naked guy he didn't know. At least the naked guy had Blue. A woman yelled at me for swearing in front of her kids. Said I'm a model teacher. (scary). PC Tony told me off air that he'd co-host the show with me some time soon. Should be fun. A woman talked about National Fuel giving 5 years free gas to Pakistanis. (For the record, I spoke to a National Fuel representative this afternoon who said the claim is false. "No one gets free heating fuel. Employees don't even get a discount.") Monday we get back to politics. Local even. The Cercone/Apolito race and Johnson/Ceretto race should be finalized* Monday.

*barring lawsuits and challenges - which are both actually likely.