Friday's show. Denise Young and Anne Calos from the Union Sun & Journal stop by and get some interesting pho...
Yahoo! News
Rove to GOP: Don't Grow 'Tired or Timid.' This is a pretty good story. If you only read one story on the blog toda...
Bush names Negroponte intelligence chief.
Yahoo! News
Social Security Tax May Mean More Money. No kidding. And the sun rising may mean more sunlight. Moral of this story, we need t...
Yahoo! News
Congress OKs Law on Class-Action Suits. New Republican slogan unveiled: "Protecting big business at the expense of the li...
Media Matters for America
Letter from David Brock to White House Correspondents' Association, McClellan.
Yahoo! News
Kerry, Clinton Offer Bill to Revamp Election Laws. Next time O'Reilly or Hannity ask what Hillary has done with her career...
National Review Online
Tim Graham on White House Press Corps. Somehow this guy tries to compare Jeff Gannon - the Republican shill - with ...
Media Matters for America
O'Reilly: "No lies have been told (by me) about anyone ... " And yet Media Matters finds several. ...
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