Friday's podcast is online. Thanks for Mayor Tucker for taking time out of his busy day to talk with us. We lear...
Louise Slaughter's web site Rep. Slaughter calls on Special Prosecutor to investigate Gannon's Role in Plame CIA document leak scand...
CBS 2 - New York News
Missing Halliburton shipment of radioactive material found in Boston. And now for the good news ...
Rumsfeld visits Iraq unannounced. What, is there a contest to see which secretary can make the most unannounced trips to Iraq...
Dems say they should be firm but flexible. Kind of like one of those unbreakable combs. :)
Yahoo! News Clinton Sees Better Future for Democrats. Cause it'd be pretty hard for it to get worse, don'tcha think?
Yahoo! News
Franken Says He Won't Run for Minn. Seat. Thank God. What a fiasco that would be
House approves electronic ID cards.
Media Matters for America
Fake White House Reporter talks to a very real Wolf Blitzer ...
Yahoo! News
Congressman to Run for Fla. Governor.
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