7:43 AM
Media Matters for America Bozell repeated lie that Lay slept in Lincoln Bedroom during Clinton years. Hmm, I've heard this "lie&q...
5:27 AM
MSNBC Doonesbury creator recalls classmate Bush. This little ditty offers some interesting insight.
1:50 PM
LaRouchein2004.net Many thanks to Lyndon LaRouche for his appearance on Dialog on Tuesday. Is he the same guy you thought he was? Check ou...
6:42 AM
Click the photo for a pretty comprehensive Lyndon LaRouche Bialography found on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. LaRouche is this morning...
8:41 PM
ArtofWarPlus.com Election Postponement: Good for Democrats or Republicans. This morning's guest, Gary Gagliardi, comments on my questi...
2:24 PM
LaRouchein2004.com I've got to confess. I'm pretty excited about tomorrow's guest. He is - to date - the most well-known guest...
2:07 PM
ArtofWarPlus.com Thanks to Gary Gagliardi, America's Leading Authority of Sun Tzu's The Art of War, for spending time with us Mond...
7:53 AM
scottleffler.com You may notice a few changes to the web site. I'm trying to update/freshen it, while giving it a more universal look....
6:12 AM
MSNBC Bush's cheap shot at Edwards. Here's some criticism of the Bush White House from a very unusual source ... Joe Scarborough.
8:12 AM
WGRZ.com Here's channel 2's story on the lifting of the moratorium. We won't get to talk about it today - since Henry Wojtasze...
5:32 PM
Weekly Dig Michael Badnarik Thinks You're a Libertarian. Here's another really good article on today's guest.
5:17 PM
MensNewsDaily.com Libertarian Lessons of "Fahrenheit 9/11" - Jonathan David Morris. Here's an interesting look at Farenheit ...
2:34 PM
Niagara Buzz I mentioned this morning that I had a beef with the Erie County Democratic Party. Well, here's an email I wrote to EC Dem...
2:29 PM
Badnarik.org Thanks to Libertarian Presidential Candidate Michael Badnarik for his appearance on Dialog on Wednesday. Despite the phone pr...
2:25 PM
This is the cake we had at WLVL to celebrate president Bush's birthday. Yes, I really made it. Yes, I really decorated it. No, there isn...
6:37 AM
CNN.com Sources: Kerry to unveil VP choice. The announcement is expected some time during the 9 a.m. hour. I'll find out ... and let y...
2:45 PM
Declare Yourself Found this good non-partisan electoin information site. Check it out. You'll like it.
10:49 AM
Assemblywoman Francine DelMonte attempts to explain why the budget hasn't been passed on time since I was nine years old. Thanks to Fran...
10:46 AM
Here's a more traditional (but posed) photo of Assemblywoman Francine DelMonte from her appearance on Dialog on Friday, July 2, 2004.  
8:01 PM
Of course, I'm not free from criticism, critique, or just plain mockery. I hope to see a lot of these on cars around the Greater Niagara...
7:59 PM
This is the Bill O'Reilly, let's whine a lot and pretend that we're "independent," but we're really just right-win...
7:57 PM
Here's the whole thing wrapped up in a nutshell. This is why I'd vote for Kerry. At least, why I'd vote for him if I were in Ohi...
7:55 PM
Here's the first in a series of "honest" John Kerry stickers. Don't worry, I'll make up some Bush one's too. 
7:33 AM
Lou Ricciuti For those of you wanting more information about yesterday's topic - on the plutonium at LOOW and other hazards in you...