Oh, hey, look at the time!

It's 5 a.m. and I should really be asleep. But it's been six days since I've offered anything resembling an update and I thought I should really check in.

I spent way too much time tonight focused on the incident in Charlottesville, Va. If you want my take, check out my Twitter, @scottleffler.

Of course, before sharing my thoughts on Twitter, I voiced a few things for my friends at Did You Know? Funny thing about tonight's session: I did a piece on the Baltic Sea Anomaly. This is the second piece I've voiced on the odd Millenium Falcon looking rock sculpture(?) at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Here's a link to the first piece on did on it.

It's been a pretty busy week for me, including lunch with my youngest (who I don't see nearly as often as I'd like), drinks with friends (who I also don't see enough), a concert and an art show. Needless to say, it was a good week.

Did You Know? and Defense Updates are the clients I seem to voice pieces for most frequently, although, I have clients I do more work for (larger scripts less often). That said, I picked up a new YouTube client this week. I'm waiting for the first of three scripts I voiced for them to drop. And after that, I'm hoping those updates will be fast and furious.

YouTube creators! I am available for contract work. My reasonably priced voiceovers will be much more appreciated by your subscribers than any text-to-speech you can buy.

A recent example from Defense Updates:

I try to post links to other things I find on my Twitter.

Have a good night. Morning? I don't know. Whatever you consider 5:30 a.m. to be.