So ... um ... it's been a while

I got a letter from the government the other day ... I opened and read it ... it said they were suckers.

No. Wait. That's not right.

I got an email from my website domain host the other day. It said was going to expire soon and I should renew it.

My first thought was, "No! I lost that stupid domain name once. I'm not losing it again." My second thought was, "I wonder when was the last time I updated that site."

So first I renewed ... and then I sat down to type a short note of what's been going on in my little world.

In short ... a lot. Since my last post (waaaay back in April of 2014) I made a pretty major life change ... in the form of a new job. Living such a public life, I feel like most people know this already but I run into people all the time who ask me how things are going at the Union-Sun & Journal ... which I left in June.

Rather than editing the US&J, I now write for and edit East Niagara Post, an online media company based right here in Lockport. Rather than working 4 p.m. - 1 a.m. each day, I now work 6:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. ... or something like that. I'm still writing columns — at East Niagara Post.

I've also joined the board of directors of the Lockport Business Association and joined the city's Sesquicentennial Committee, which is planning 150 events for the city's 150th birthday. And I'm helping my friend Rick Cohen with publicity for his 1,034 mile walk up the east coast to raise money for an Ohio drive-in.

Basically, I'm a pretty busy guy. But that's no reason to neglect my website. So ... hi. How ya doin'? Sorry it's been so long.