Politics - the gift that keeps on giving

Immediately after Christmas, I declared the holiday season to be over. But for me, the day the Chris Lee fiasco became public knowledge, it was Christmas all over again.
I’ve said here before that the political season is to me what Christmas is to small children. My eyes light up. I get excited. I have trouble sleeping. And I can’t imagine what present I’ll get to unwrap next.
Last week, I got the cool gift that all the kids were hoping for — in the form of an e-mail from Jack Davis announcing his intention to seek the congressional seat recently vacated by Lee.
As I said at the time; “This just adds another ring to this circus.”
I like Jack Davis. He’s a rare bird who will tell you what he’s thinking. He doesn’t care if you agree with him or not. He doesn’t pander. And he won’t be silenced. He and I don’t see eye-to-eye on all the issues, but there are very few — if any — people that I could say I agree with on 100 percent of the issues, political or otherwise.
Of course, Jack can afford to be Jack. Literally. The man’s got more money than most of us will ever have, unless we happen to win the lottery. And even then, we may not equal Jack’s worth. For good or for bad, Jack Davis’ entrance into the congressional race has ensured us that Western New York will stay in the nation’s limelight for the duration of the special election. He’s bound to say or do something to draw attention.
As Terrell Owens would say; “Get ya popcorn ready.”
As the weather warms and we get closer to spring, I am reminded more and more why I love living here. Over the weekend, the kids and I went to the Pizza Bash in Cheektowaga. I had some incredibly tasty pies.
And a couple that weren’t so tasty. But the best part is all the people out and about dressed in Sabres gear partaking in one of the many things we do right in WNY — pizza.
It was a much different crowd from the night before, when I was so fortunate to go to the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra’s performance of Tchaikovsky’s Fifth Symphony. No Sabres gear there, but the orchestra was phenomenal. Another thing we do right.
Although it’s still cold out, my mind has turned to spring and summer.
And thoughts of naps in Delaware Park, picnics at the Buffalo Zoo and kayaking the Erie Canal seem to rush to the forefront. As do fairs, festivals and outdoor concerts.
I officially have spring fever.
Fortunately, I have a distraction in the circus that is the 26th Congressional District.