Forum post makes my point about 9/11

A forum post this morning makes my point for me about the anniversary of the tragedies of Sept. 11, 2008.

I don't think anyone has forgotten what happened ... nor do I think anyone wants it to happen again ... but I do think that some are quietly jubilant about it ... cause it gives them an opportunity to spout on about the need for "national security."

Mike of the Mountain writes:
There wasn't a major al-Qaida attack in 2003. Nor in 2004, 2005, 2006 or 2007. Manifestly, liberals thought there would be: They announced a standard of success that they expected Bush to fail.
His post then goes on to say that Sept. 11th is the reason we need Sarah Palin!

I'm sorry, but from my persepective, the crazy right-wing of the GOP have used a national tragedy as a means to an end ... the end of freedom that is.

This will be one of my topics this morning on Reason.