It's on!

Looks like all the legal wrangling has happened. The technical stuff is coming together. And commercials have been sold.

Tomorrow morning, WECK AM 1230 will be the new Hometown 1230 WECK featuring local talk, news, sports, and a lineup that should make us a sure thing for one of your radio's pre-sets.

I'll be signing on from the Cheek-ta-Vegas studios at about 10:10 a.m. following our national and local news break ... and talking about whatever random thoughts flow through my pea-sized brain.

Plans for "day one" include me explaining who I am and what I stand for. My beliefs and what listeners can expect.

As this is a "soft" launch, we've not really blitzed the media on the fact that we'll be there - live and taking phone calls. I went out to the studios today to ensure that they function ... and they do. Be sure to listen ... and feel free to call in and say hi. The studio line is (716) 783-9(W)3(E)2(C)5(K).

We envision WECK to be very similar to WLVL in his "homey-ness." We will work to be as local as possible with some state and national flair thrown in.

We've got some surprises for listeners ... and as much as I'd like to tell you here what they are, you'll just have to tune in and listen.

And we're hoping that in the not-too-distant future, we'll have some equally exciting announcements for WLVL.

Wish me luck ... I might need it.