Three miles ...

That's how "far" I Gazelled this morning. Burned 400+ calories and I'm feeling great. Of course, I probalby didn't burn off last night's dinner - mmm fish fry. Beer battered nonetheless. We went with Jackie's family. For the most part, they're great. Some members ... um ... irritate me. But that's why they're inlaws, right?

I find that excercising is sOoOoOoOoOo much easier when I have music. I'd rather listen to talk - but it's difficult to get a rhythm going to talk radio ... I'm sure you can understand. Imaging working out to me. Yeah. I didn't think so.

The thing is - I tend to Gazelle to the beat of the song. Makes for a pretty ecclectic work out. Slow. Fast. Really Fast. Heart attack in the making. Back to slow. *phew* And then once I step off the Gazelle, I still have the headphones on and I dance like an idiot - appropriately, I'm sure. I really can't dance and unless I'm pickled ... I mean really REALLY plastered ... the odds of seeing me dance in public are slim to none. But in the privacy of my own home. I'm down.

I'm just resting for a bit before I go gazelle another two miles. Then I'll be done gazelling for the day.

Later we're going on the Niagara Wine Trail. Seven wineries in 3 1/2 hours. We get a wine glass at the first stop and ornaments at all seven stops. It's only $12 for the two of us. Last year we did it, but there were only five wineries. It was really cool though. We didn't buy any wine last year cause we were poor. This year we scrounged together some change and will likely pick up a bottle or two.

That's all for now. Maybe more later. If I'm not snookered off local wine and dancing naked around the house singing ... First you say whoa ... then you say yeah ... get your ass up ... throw your hands in the air ...