He's one photo of all the papers Lou had with him. This photo, BTW - as well as the other two of Lou was taken with my Sprint PCS camera...
Here's a close-up on Lou's papers. Every page is marked up - scribbled on - has post-it notes attached. How Lou keeps it all straigh...
Thanks to Lou Ricciuti for his appearance on Dialog on Wednesday. While I can understand Lou's frustration in getting the media to belie...
Klayman for US Senate
Larry Klayman is talking with us this morning about Farenheit 9/11. He says it both fair ... and unfair. A little la...
Monday's guest, Jim Duncan, chairman of the WNY chapter of the Working Families Party, proved to be as witty as he was pleasant. Jim, th...
Thanks to Lockport Mayor Mike Tucker for his willingness to appear on Dialog monthly. While nothing earth-shattering came out of Friday'...
The Seattle Times
Cheney says remarks to Democrat were "long overdue." It's good to know that we elected some moral leadersh...
Monica cries foul. Says Clinton shoulda fessed up. Get 'em Monica. Hell hath NO FURY like an intern scorned.
Unfortunately, Libertarian presidential candidate Michael Badnarik had to cancel his appearance on this morning's show ... but that...
Thanks to Teresa Martinez, managing editor of the Niagara Gazette for being Wednesday's guest on Dialog. Teresa said she'd gladly re...
Who Was Really In Charge? I understand that in Michael Moore's new movie, Farenheit 9/11, the question of Bush's response to...
Michael Badnarik - 2004 Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate. He'll be a guest on the show on Thursday from 9:30 to 9:45 to talk a...
The Advocates dot Org
World's Smallest Political Quiz - take this. It'll tell you if you are what you think you are ... BTW, I...
Thanks to Glenn Aronow (on the left) and Rick Updegrove for their continued willingness to come on Dialog and answer questions from their co...
Panel Says No Signs Iraq Aided Qaeda Plots on US
Iraq War Eroded U.S. Security, Former Diplomats Say
Flurry rises from possible vice presidential stekes for Kerry campaign.
Fahrenheit 9/11
This is the preview to Michael Moore's new movie. Check it out.
Senator Seeks Halliburton Special Counsel. New Jersey Sen. Frank Lautenberg wants Attorney General John Ashcroft to appoint e ...
Reagan New Face On $10 Bill? Conservatives targeted the dime last year ... but FDR still has too many fans, so now th...
Honest Abe? Or Gay Abe?
If you read yesterday's Union-Sun & Journal and, while reading Bill Wolcott's column, said, "When...
Seems my friends at Greater Niagara News got new websites ... hosted by the Indiana division of Community Newspapers Holding, Inc. They look...
Denise Young, managing editor for the Union-Sun tends to take a lot of flak when she's on the show. I'm glad she comes on anyway. We...
Tim Marren, city reporter for the US&J. I don't envy the man. His job is very difficult. He added a lot to Wednesday's show. Tha...
Anne Calos, features editor for the Union-Sun & Journal on the show Wednesday. Relatively quiet as usual.
John Austin on Dialog Tuesday, June 8th. I like John cause he says what he thinks no matter whether you like it or not.
Yahoo! Elected Officials, Issues and Media
Our congressional "leaders" voted on a Constitutional amendment last week. Don't ...
Not everyone loved Ronald Reagan.
Thanks to Al Norman for his appearance on Dialog yesterday ... and for his presentation at the Best Western (soon to be Holiday Inn). But I ...
Bush consults lawyer on investigation into CIA leak. Hmm. "I am not a crook," comes to mind. :)
Sprawl Busters
This is Al Norman's web site. Al is this morning's guest to talk about Wal-Mart.
Democrats seek special Halliburton/Cheney counsel - Do we have another tricky Dick in the White House?
Democrats call Drug Discount Card an 'Embarrassment' when no-one signs up for it.
Here's an interesting little tidbit about an artist suspected of being a terrorist ... and the Patriot Act (which Bill O...
Here's a very interesting poll by Zogby showing Kerry with leads in most of the "battleground states." Now granted, ...
Thanks to John Cole and Shirley Urtel for being guests on Dialog on Wednesday to discuss Mount View. Although the program got a little ...
The "bottle bill." What do you think? Check out the bill and call the show ... or write me email. Get involved.
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