E-voting firm reports computer break-in. My favorite quote in the story is, “We feel that it may have been politically motivated....
Bush’s Campaign Finds Platform on Local Radio. Funny. He's afraid of Chris Matthews, but he'll call crazy right-wing r...
t r u t h o u t
Here's a column about Howard Dean, his "electability," and the chances he has against W. It's a good col...
Howard Dean Gets It Right Again. Here's a political commentary in a Russian newspaper about my favorite presidential candida...
Urban Legends Reference Pages (
Claim: Miserable failure links to Bush ...
Status: True!
Check this out. It is hillarious. A...
Urban Legends Reference Pages (
Misheard Christmas Lyrics. Some of these are FUNNY!!!
The Beast
Bills Offense Beaten Up by Group of Small Children. Okay, this is parody, but, man, it isn't far from the truth. Ya know? I ...
Today's topic - holiday bonuses
Many news organizations (CNN for example) are declaring the holiday bonus dead. Of course, some compa...
The Top 10 jokes from the campaign trail.
Exclusive interview with Howard Dean.
U.S. government raises terrorism threat level to orange, saying indicators 'perhaps greater now than at any point' since 9/1...
MSNBC - Newsweek
Poll: The Bush Bounce. Apparently, now that we found Saddam, W's a good guy. Interesting. Fellow Niagara Buzzer, Avie...
Dialog Page
Sorry I'd been lax about updating the web site. I did some updating today ... including noting that State Sen. George Mazi...
NY Times
1,776-Foot Design Is Unveiled for World Trade Center Tower. Gov. George E. Pataki said. "This is not just a building. This i...
Go Ask Alice! Home Page
It took a while for me to find this, but here it is. Look, it's a shame that teachers and public officials fee...
NY Times
Dean’s Manager: Inside Savvy and Outsider Edge. Anyone familiar with Howard Dean's campaign will be familiar with the name Jo...
Limbaugh Attorney Blames Politics in Probe. Funny ... political talk show hosts can probe into people's sex lives, but pol...
Cheney faces heat for ‘canned hunt.’ Well, at least we know he's still alive.
Hillary Clinton: No to cabinet, won't speculate on VP. Wow! Now there's a ticket I'd love to see ... Howard and Hi...
Gore to Endorse Howard Dean for ’04 Presidential Nomination
Here's two versions of the same story.
NY Times
Associated Press
Gingrich disarees with strategy in Iraq. This is an interesting read. Especially for Gingrich fans.
Comedy Central
Comedy Central Presents the Commies. These self-serving shows weren't worth the two hours I invested in them. Okay - an...
Poor Britney. Hated even more than Saddam ... and vegetables.
IRS to visit Dialog
Laurie Ruffino and Greg Gerfin will be on Dialog on Wednesday to discuss last-minute tax moves you can make. For some ...
Thanks Mike, Bill
Just wanted to thank Mike Walker and Bill Schultz for coming on Dialog Monday and discussing their plans to refurbish th...
The Voice
Well whaddya know. Roy-Hart's little underground paper has it's own web site. Good for them. And some people say youth i...
Rumsfeld wins ‘Foot in Mouth’ prize. This is funny. I actually like the Arnold quote better.
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