E-voting firm reports computer break-in. My favorite quote in the story is, “We feel that it may have been politically motivated....
Bush’s Campaign Finds Platform on Local Radio. Funny. He's afraid of Chris Matthews, but he'll call crazy right-wing r...
t r u t h o u t
Here's a column about Howard Dean, his "electability," and the chances he has against W. It's a good col...
Howard Dean Gets It Right Again. Here's a political commentary in a Russian newspaper about my favorite presidential candida...
Urban Legends Reference Pages (
Claim: Miserable failure links to Bush ...
Status: True!
Check this out. It is hillarious. A...
Urban Legends Reference Pages (
Misheard Christmas Lyrics. Some of these are FUNNY!!!
The Beast
Bills Offense Beaten Up by Group of Small Children. Okay, this is parody, but, man, it isn't far from the truth. Ya know? I ...
Today's topic - holiday bonuses
Many news organizations (CNN for example) are declaring the holiday bonus dead. Of course, some compa...
The Top 10 jokes from the campaign trail.
Exclusive interview with Howard Dean.
U.S. government raises terrorism threat level to orange, saying indicators 'perhaps greater now than at any point' since 9/1...
MSNBC - Newsweek
Poll: The Bush Bounce. Apparently, now that we found Saddam, W's a good guy. Interesting. Fellow Niagara Buzzer, Avie...
Dialog Page
Sorry I'd been lax about updating the web site. I did some updating today ... including noting that State Sen. George Mazi...
NY Times
1,776-Foot Design Is Unveiled for World Trade Center Tower. Gov. George E. Pataki said. "This is not just a building. This i...
Go Ask Alice! Home Page
It took a while for me to find this, but here it is. Look, it's a shame that teachers and public officials fee...
NY Times
Dean’s Manager: Inside Savvy and Outsider Edge. Anyone familiar with Howard Dean's campaign will be familiar with the name Jo...
Limbaugh Attorney Blames Politics in Probe. Funny ... political talk show hosts can probe into people's sex lives, but pol...
Cheney faces heat for ‘canned hunt.’ Well, at least we know he's still alive.
Hillary Clinton: No to cabinet, won't speculate on VP. Wow! Now there's a ticket I'd love to see ... Howard and Hi...
Gore to Endorse Howard Dean for ’04 Presidential Nomination
Here's two versions of the same story.
NY Times
Associated Press
Gingrich disarees with strategy in Iraq. This is an interesting read. Especially for Gingrich fans.
Comedy Central
Comedy Central Presents the Commies. These self-serving shows weren't worth the two hours I invested in them. Okay - an...
Poor Britney. Hated even more than Saddam ... and vegetables.
IRS to visit Dialog
Laurie Ruffino and Greg Gerfin will be on Dialog on Wednesday to discuss last-minute tax moves you can make. For some ...
Thanks Mike, Bill
Just wanted to thank Mike Walker and Bill Schultz for coming on Dialog Monday and discussing their plans to refurbish th...
The Voice
Well whaddya know. Roy-Hart's little underground paper has it's own web site. Good for them. And some people say youth i...
Rumsfeld wins ‘Foot in Mouth’ prize. This is funny. I actually like the Arnold quote better.
Dialog Page
Finally got this up and running. I'll try my best to keep it updated.
New column
I hate Thanksgiving. Now whatcha gonna do? I transcribed my monolog from the other day and made a column out of it. Hope you en...
Hillary Clinton visits Afghanistan for Thanksgiving.
Column: I'm a jerk and you are, too
I've sort of made a name for myself as an ingrate. Just read here.
I hate Thanksgiving ...
Go ahead. Call me a jerk. You wouldn't be the first. Or say that I'm stupid. I've heard that before. Oh, and don't forget to...
I hate Thanksgiving ...
Reviewed by Scott Leffler
7:21 AM
Rating: 5
Makers of 'The Reagans' Bash CBS Editing. Original version to run on Showtime on Sunday.
Business First of Buffalo
Adelphia announces cable TV rate hike.
White House wins fight on overtime. 40 hours. 60 hours. Close enough.
FBI collecting antiwar-group data.
Flash animation about the dead soldiers ... and what they really died for. Poignant, but may take a wh...
The Doctor Is In - Howard Dean Song. This isn't half bad. And I surely like the message. I think I'll play this...
Critics: Patriot Act Warnings Come to Fruition. I suggest an immediate repeal of the Big Brother Act, as I have decided to cal...
Opponents block energy bill, leaving passage in doubt. I'm glad to see this die. To be honest, I don't know enough about i...
Guardian Unlimited
Special report: Buffalo moves closer to extinction.
Senate holds all-night talkathon on judges; Bush pushes a vote. As people die of starvation and lose their jobs from sea to s...
Senate holds all-night talkathon on judges; Bush pushes a vote. As people die of starvation and lose their jobs from sea to s...
Ala. chief justice ousted over 10 Commandments. Can't say I'm disappointed about this. Unfortunately, I'm not really goi...
Dean surges as turmoil trips Kerry. Go Dean Go!
Next stop: Syria! A bill that has already passed the US House, passed the US Senate yesterday, allowing "sanctions...
Senators holding all-night talkathon on federal judges.
Kerry Train Wreck Easy to Predict. Says Howard Fineman: "The problem, perhaps the fatal problem, with John Kerry’s pre...
Unions push Dean closer to triumph. The endorsements had been widely expected since last week but they mark Dean’s most significant ...
Rush Limbaugh Returning to Airwaves Next Week. Five weeks after he left the airwaves to undergo treatment for addiction to prescri...
Business First of Buffalo
Delphi reorganization eliminates Harrison name. Of course, it's more than the name. The company headquarters...
MSNBC Bickering plagues Capitol Hill. This is what happens when people think too highly of themselves ...
MSNBC Politician or telemarketer? Majority Leader DeLay uses offer of honor in pitch for funds. Hmm. Very interesting story. Just read it.
MSNBC Secret Service Hides Cheney as Plane Enters Restricted Area. Why is it any time anything happens in this country, Cheney gets swept aw...
MSNBC New Yorkers pay highest local taxes. Gee, ya think? Wonder what Sen. George Maziarz will have to say about this ... let me guess, it...
Poll: Majority of voters would not re-elect Bush. Good news, right? Well, unfortunately, when any specific candidate was named as ... - columns The columns page is back up. Next will be the Dialog page ... along with a new poll. Slowly but surely, the turtl... conspiracy-o-matic While re-inventing my web site, I ran into this fun little thing that I created when I first started sco...
Hey - maybe they have a point. LOL!
Live discussions with Dean, Edwards, Kerry, Lieberman, Gephardt, Kucinich, Moseley Braun, and Sharpton.
NPR receives record donation from widow of McDonald's founder. I knew there was a reason I've always liked McDonalds. Now I ...
Huge SEIU union to endorse Dean. This is a huge boost for Dean, turning him from a "fringe candidate" to "the contend...
Buffalo News Tuohey named to 5th Ward Council seat.
Niagara Buzz Buzzheads Make Second Appearance On WLVL. Here's a nice piece by Avis Townsend about her appearance on Dialog last Thursday...
Dean on verge of big labor victory Service Employees International Union looks like it may endorse Howard Dean for president next week. If i...
Bush in 30 Seconds Okay, this is super cool. A web site asking people to create their own anti-Bush 30 second commercials as a contest. We s...
Starting over
Well, since the geniuses at Verizon nixed my web site, I have to start from scratch. Unfortunately, I didn't back up a ...
Comical Council says one thing - does another ...
I can't stand hypocrites. People that say one thing and do another. When you interpret something one way in March and the same thing com...
Comical Council says one thing - does another ...
Reviewed by Scott Leffler
7:51 AM
Rating: 5
Explaining the process ...
I find myself in an interesting position. Due to this column, my web site , , and – of course, my role at WLVL as host of t...
Explaining the process ...
Reviewed by Scott Leffler
7:55 AM
Rating: 5
Welcome to the light ...
I must admit, I find myself in an unusual situation. Most often, I'm the “token liberal” or the most liberal person within a group. I lo...
Welcome to the light ...
Reviewed by Scott Leffler
7:59 AM
Rating: 5
Now Hiring! Office of shortsightedness ...
I've often said lately that the office of short-sightedness is the most heavily staffed and funded office in government. A couple weeks ...
Now Hiring! Office of shortsightedness ...
Reviewed by Scott Leffler
8:01 AM
Rating: 5
Big brother and the vandals
I heard this funny joke the other day. Guy walks into a beer store ... and wants to get a keg for a party he's holding. Stop me if you...
Big brother and the vandals
Reviewed by Scott Leffler
8:04 AM
Rating: 5
Fun with want ads ...
I think most of you know this by now, but for those who don't ... I'm no longer employed by Greater Niagara Newspapers and the Lockp...
Fun with want ads ...
Reviewed by Scott Leffler
6:44 PM
Rating: 5
Why can't we just be ourselves?
du·plic·i·ty ( P ) Pronunciation Key (d -pl s -t , dy -) n. pl. du·plic·i·ties The quality or state of being twofold or double. A...
Why can't we just be ourselves?
Reviewed by Scott Leffler
6:50 PM
Rating: 5
Can you hear me now?
Some topics seem to stir debate no matter what. Religion. Abortion. Flag burning. Language. Language? Yes, language. Monday I got a phone ca...
Can you hear me now?
Reviewed by Scott Leffler
6:54 PM
Rating: 5
Out with the kings ...
Ah, July 4. Independence Day. The time of year we Americans celebrate our ever-dwindling freedoms. You know the ones: Freedom of speech, as ...
Out with the kings ...
Reviewed by Scott Leffler
6:56 PM
Rating: 5
HP Revisited Stick to what you know ...
Some things never cease to amaze me. Take as an example that a "children's book" sold 5 million copies on Saturday alone. Amaz...
HP Revisited Stick to what you know ...
Reviewed by Scott Leffler
6:59 PM
Rating: 5
Harry Potter: The literary Giant ...
Some people seem to be under the impression that "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" is a mere book. They're wrong. HP...
Harry Potter: The literary Giant ...
Reviewed by Scott Leffler
7:01 PM
Rating: 5
Truth in numbers ...
A conservative talk show host rips into a tree-hugger on live TV. Meanwhile, half a world away, innocent children are ripped into shreds by ...
Truth in numbers ...
Reviewed by Scott Leffler
7:43 PM
Rating: 5
Shock and awe ... for a cause ...
Recently a rapper who goes by the name Paris unveiled new album. The record, entitled "Sonic Jihad," shows a picture of a jet line...
Shock and awe ... for a cause ...
Reviewed by Scott Leffler
7:43 PM
Rating: 5
Spend your money wisely or you may not live to regret it
Last week the president signed a bill that will reduce taxes by $350 billion over 10 years. That signature triggered a process that will res...
Spend your money wisely or you may not live to regret it
Reviewed by Scott Leffler
7:46 PM
Rating: 5
I'm sorry, Mr. Powell, but less isn't more ...
Michael Powell think’s he knows what’s best for you. The son of Secretery of State Colin Powell seems to have mastered a core Republican phi...
I'm sorry, Mr. Powell, but less isn't more ...
Reviewed by Scott Leffler
7:56 PM
Rating: 5
Fighting chaos at all costs
As I put together Monday's Union-Sun & Journal, it struck me what I was doing. If you'll take a look at page A8 of that publicat...
Fighting chaos at all costs
Reviewed by Scott Leffler
8:00 PM
Rating: 5
When politics and truth colide
Political machines are figuring out which cogs they want to endorse for this November's elections - specifically county-wide elections. ...
When politics and truth colide
Reviewed by Scott Leffler
8:00 PM
Rating: 5
A little of this and a little of that ..'
I don't usually like the hodge-podge columns. I normally like to pick a topic and stick with it. But this week, there's a bunch of t...
A little of this and a little of that ..'
Reviewed by Scott Leffler
8:02 PM
Rating: 5
Don't count your chickens before they hatch
Our local school districts are hoping that their representatives in the Assembly and Senate come up with some more money for them to run the...
Don't count your chickens before they hatch
Reviewed by Scott Leffler
8:03 PM
Rating: 5
Scott Leffler: Party of one
Let's start with the basics. I'm a white liberal Democrat male. Now take every pre-conceived notion that you have about the previous...
Scott Leffler: Party of one
Reviewed by Scott Leffler
8:04 PM
Rating: 5
April 15, the day we pay for all our so-called freedoms
Happy income tax day. It's also the 138th anniversary of the day Abe Lincoln died. You know, 'Honest Abe.' And 91 years ago toda...
April 15, the day we pay for all our so-called freedoms
Reviewed by Scott Leffler
8:07 PM
Rating: 5
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